Friday, May 1, 2009

Clive Handjob in Paris: Good, Cheap Fun

The Guardian has a charming interview with Robert Pattinson, who shows his bumbling, sensitive, sweet side:

About his hotel room in Vancouver while filming New Moon:

"I've been living in this windowless room on the 30-something floor. Because the people who built it were afraid of people killing themselves! It's one of those business hotels. I guess they're worried about not being able to charge so much for rooms if guests were killing themselves …"

Most actors live in apartments, or at least hotel suites, while on set. But not Pattinson: "I've settled there now. It would take about three weeks for me to gather all my belongings. I don't let the maids in. I don't even pull the duvet down now because I don't want to see what's underneath."

About rabid fans:

There are always fans waiting outside the hotel but he tries not to think about the phenomenal level of fame he's reached in north America; he says he'd go mad if he did. So he tries to disguise himself: "But instead I'm just getting more and more conspicuous; I'm wearing two hoods, a hat and sunglasses, which kind of stands out in the middle of the night. So I'm learning to sprint."

random twilight paparazzi crap o'the day by cybermelli.

About his cleverly disguised hotel name:

At times Pattinson sounds grown-up, but he also lapses into adolescent silliness. Ask if he has a fake hotel name and the giggling starts: "I was Clive Handjob in Paris. Everyone in the hotel called me 'Monsieur Handjob'. That was good, cheap fun."

About Little Ashes:

Pattinson is actually taking Little Ashes more seriously. He even watched it the other night. And he never watches himself on screen, ever. "It's like self-flagellation, so why would I bother? And I didn't want to piss on anyone's grave. It was hard to watch my first scene, in which I turn up in this funny little hat … I was worried about watching them, but DalĂ­ and Lorca's sex scenes were in fact the best scenes."

About how he HATES interviews:

Sometimes he has fun making things up in interviews. Such as? "I do really intellectually highbrow stuff in my downtime. I read first-edition Shakespeare. I write poetry. I'm trying to get my masters in neuroscience. That's the kind of guy I am." He pauses, clearly amusing himself: "Man, I don't even know what a masters is." And he laughs hysterically as he creates another shape with his hair.

Thanks for the tip, RPattzNews!

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