Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'd like to thank the Cullens for being the inspiration for... My first Bloggy Award- I'm Honored!

Eyes of Amber, my bloggy friend, made my day yesterday by giving me some props:

Once you win this award, you are to list 5 of your addictions then pass this on to 5 of your fabulous bloggy friends. So here are my five *shocking* addictions.

1. Twilighting
2. Facebooking
3. Robert Pattinson (shhh... I'm a closet Mr. Hunky Spunker)
4. Writing anything human interest related- I get paid for this one
5. Anything that involves my family- I'm domestic goddess extraordinaire

I'm supposed to pass this coveted award on to five bloggy friends, but my favs have already snapped up the title- TwiCrack, Cullen Boys Anonymous, The Danger Magnet, and Lauren's Bite. I'm still new in this blogosphere, so maybe I'll take this opportunity to make a few more friends! Here we go:

1. TwiFans
2. TwentySomethingTweek
3. Twitarded
4. Twilog
5. Letters to Rob

Thanks again, Amber! xoxo


  1. Pillow are so much more thoughtful than I am. My addictions were like, Twilight, Twilight, Twilight, Me, Me.

  2. LOL! Really? Cause I thought I was pretty self- promoting! ;)

  3. Oh my goodness, I feel so honored! I want to give it right back to you since your blog is amazing, but that's against the rules, I suppose.

    Thanks so much!

  4. You guys all rock!

    I'm so glad the Twi-blogosphere is such a friendly bunch- I love promoting each other!

  5. I have to agree! I must say, I used to write for a political blog and it was brutal. This is much more fun. And you all are so damn witty!

    Now, as soon as STY and I figure out how to pass this award on, we will! :)

  6. Politics.. *yawn*. I write for a health magazine and educational newspaper- *double yawn*. All my boring writing only perpetuates the need for a Twilighting outlet!

    LOVE your wittiness, btw, Jenny! ;)

  7. OME my first award!!! Glad I number 1 on your list!!! woo hoo! Go me, go me! Thanks okay now I pass it on to blogs not mentioned above right?

  8. What an honor to make it to the top of the list! Thanks,

  9. Thanks for being such a great site- I'm glad to be bloggy buddies with you guys!

  10. omg! i'm only on #398 of my WAY TOO MANY unread items in my reader b/c of my trip to LA to visit moon- and I just saw you gave us this award! SO sweet of you!!!!
