Monday, July 13, 2009

Exclusive: Interview with Blue Foundation ("Eyes on Fire")

A recent article featured Blue Foundation and their recently revamped song, "Watch You Sleeping." Intrigued as to the roots of the group and the relationship of the lyrics to the movie, I contacted producer/musician Tobias Wilner (a.k.a. Bichi), creator of Blue Foundation for his thoughts.

Blue Foundation is a project Tobias originally started up with his brother. With the help of friends Kirstine Stubbe Teglbjaerg (vocalist for "Eyes on Fire") and Tatsuki Oshima for the first album, Tobias has found inspiration in enlisting assistance from various favorite musicians in his additional two records. The underground song, “Eyes on Fire,” was an unlikely overnight success and has, to date, garnered nearly nine million hits on their MySpace page.

Though the lyrics of "Eyes on Fire" seem to have been written specifically for Twilight, Tobi reveals otherwise, offering up a great deal of insight into the pained tone of the song:

It really seems like the song was written for the movie, but it had not. It was written a year before in a cold, dark December night in Copenhagen in a very old and trashy house where I used to have my studio by Kirstine and me. I think the music and lyrics speak for itself, but I can tell you, I did the music in the hardest period in my life, struggling with relationship and suicidal thoughts. It was all about stand up against your demons and fight back, be strong. I think that's the beauty about this song. It's about anger and strength to fight back. Be strong and be able to continue to walk through the "desert".

For more details of our interview, check it out HERE!!!