Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Do Me Meter... a sicknast comparison of HP and Twilight

Smut-meister Ted Casablanca had the cahones to compare the sex appeal of Daniel Radcliffe and the Harry Potter kids with sexy Robert Pattinson and the Twilight gang using the term "Do Me Meter"... really?!

Here's a snippet; catch the whole conversation here!
edward_bella by JuLy2690[BitTeN.bY.A.bLoOdSuCkEr].

From Ted:

Sure, the H.P. kids are comely in that wow-look-how-much-they've-matured-since-the-first-movie kind of way; Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe have come into their own and look fresh enough. But where's the smoldering, steamy friction that should be exuding off their bods? Where are the piercing eyes, the sexy smiles and the promiscuous expressions that our Twilight brood has in friggin' spades? Nowhere, that's where.

Ted, would you like the list of why this topic is sicknast in alphabetical order, or on the scale of ewww?

  • A. We’ve grown up with the Harry Potter kids since those round spectacles looked like coke bottle glasses on the young chap with the classic boyish bowl-headed hairdo. To think of Harry as a sex symbol now is, frankly, creepy.
  • D. Anyone who has watched the portfolio of Robert Pattinson’s previous films will find that he’s played the gangly, awkward teen in The Bad Mother’s Handbook, but his repertoire also includes a more mature character. From the war veteran hungering for love in The Haunted Airman to the sexually tormented Salvador Dali in Little Ashes, Pattinson has paid his dues playing adult-themed roles beyond Cedric Diggory, thus spiking his image on the “do me meter.”
  • F. Taylor Lautner: 30 pounds of sheer muscle gained within the past 6 months. Enough said.
Taylor Lautner beef's up  for Jacob Black! by hvyilnr.
Manip above thanks to July 2690. Taylor's abs thanks to Taylor.


  1. *Shudders away from wanting to jump through the screen and touch his abs*

    Oh so hot,so nice...I wonder what they feel like...Ugh your just killing me -faints-

  2. That is a horrible manip of KStew....She looks all buff and kinda like a man there.

    Anyway.....back to obsessing.

  3. haha is it just me or does kstews body kinda look...manly-ish lol

  4. To be honest, I wasn't looking at KStew... but that's just me. ;)

  5. Amen to the 30 pounds after that no one is looking at Kstew.

    It's true about the growing up with Harry Potter making it hard to think of Daniel Radcliffe as sexy. Sure, he does naked in that psycho horse killer drama, but even at the time it was like, well, he just doesn't want to be pigeonholed as Potter. So you forgave him.

    Emma Watson might be the only one to come out of it as a sex symbol, just because she has the intelligence to not be ridiculous, instantly making her hotter than most other actresses.

  6. PB...the comments here are WAY better! LOLOL I must fit in better here :)

  7. Leah- Ditto- I love my peeps over here! xoxo

  8. I have to ask where you got that manipulation from? Is there an artist source b/c i'd like to use it sometime for Manipulation Monday but I want to give the person credit. Email me and let me know k?

  9. Hp is better than *shivers* Twilight in EVERY way.

  10. how about...not! Twilight has much more sexual tension that most teenagers like, its the kind of edge that HP will never have. And the fact that Daniel Radcliffe gets naked in that awful movie does not make us see him as sexy.

  11. You know what's hilarious about this right here: "We’ve grown up with the Harry Potter kids since those round spectacles looked like coke bottle glasses on the young chap with the classic boyish bowl-headed hairdo. To think of Harry as a sex symbol now is, frankly, creepy."?

    In those shit books you guys all love, that is a perfect description of the Jacob/Bella's spawn "love" story/creep pedo fest. Oh, the irony and the hilarity.
