Monday, May 4, 2009

Taylor Walking the Streets of Vancouver

Now THESE are the kind of fan pictures I heart- thanks, Hush, for sharing your story with TwiCrack!

I just got off work around 11PM and walk down my usual street to head down the station when I saw Taylor heading my way. He was wearing his brown hoodie paired with his black jeans. I never thought I would see him around that time.

He was walking alone the empty streets of Vancouver. I was like 3 meters away when I noticed it was him. When our paths crossed I told him if I can take a picture of him and me and he gladly said "Yeah for sure!". That was so awesome of him! Inches away from Taylor!? Yeah!

He definitely made my day after the dragging hours of work! I also just want to say thank you to the two gentlemen who took our picture! I bet they were wondering who I was, taking a random picture from a guy walking down the street! lolz.. They're totally clueless about Taylor!

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