Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Moon Script Leak... Temptation Averted with Hunky Spunk Vid Spam. Whew.That was close.

Darn it. I heard about this yesterday and consulted with my Twi-Guru, TwiCrack. Decided to leave the matter be.

Then, today, I read on my webbie friend Amanda's Twilight Examiner page, an article she's written about where it all leaked out- to Cinema Blend.

I'm talking about a leaked copy of the New Moon script. And as much as I want to download and scour through it, I can't in good conscience, do it.

Sorry friends. And now you know that it's out there, I implore you to look the other way so that you can be truly excited and amazed and dazzled when the movie comes out November 20.

Instead, enjoy some Robert Pattinson vid spam, courtesy of Random Acts of Rob, who SWEARS that Rob reads her blog! EEk!!

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