Sunday, May 17, 2009

I interrrupt my Twilight Rants to bring you something GLEEful!!

In my real life (though I much prefer my Twilight alternate reality), I'm a writer who profiles interesting people. This kid is one of the most fascinating subjects I've ever had the pleasure to interview.

Chris Colfer has come a long way- from being a loner in high school mixing it up with the cafeteria ladies to starring in Fox's next breakout hit, "Glee!" which debuts this Tuesday night after the season finale of American Idol.

I've since become friends with his mom, which makes him, his story and his success all the closer to my heart.

The pilot airs on Tuesday, will run a few times over the summer, and the series will begin in the fall lineup come September.

So set your TIVO's and watch Chris and the entire Glee! club Tuesday night on Fox!

Extended Trailer

Original Trailer

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