Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Faker Alert: Kellan does NOT Twitter

Four things to take away from this interview:

A) Kellan is going to Italy the same time as Rob and wil be "crashing" in Rob's room
B) Kellan is going to be the typical American tourist and go sight-seeing while the rest of the cast is filming
C) Kellan has a surprise planned for Rob's birthday, which is May 13. *Note: I don't know this because I'm a total stalker-chick- actually, one of my Twi-BFF's has a birthday the same day. But hey, ya'll who have his birthday written in your day planner, more power to you!
D) Kellan does NOT Twitter- KC_Lutz315 and OfficialAshleyG, your gigs are up!

Thanks, Robsessed!


  1. I hear Rob's and Kristen's are fake accounts too. Have you seen Kristen's myspace account which is fake. It's kind of disturbing.

  2. Rob and Kristen do have actual twitters. kstewart9 and pattinsonrt

  3. sorry kristenstewart9

  4. Too funny... that would explain OfficialAshleyG's hasty "I'm deleting this I just don't have much time..." LOL Got to love it :o) KC_Lutz hasn't posted his run yet :o)
