Sunday, April 5, 2009

Join Me, Touched by Twilight, and Michael Welch to Help Squelch Breast Cancer

Touched By Twilight has teamed up with Michael Welch to provide awareness and encourage readers to help provide mammograms for women who can't afford them. And in a kind gesture, Touched by Twilight has generously added my humble blog to the campaign.

It's easy for you to help; simply click on the link at the bottom. Each click helps one more woman get that much needed mammogram.

A little more information on breast cancer, from Touched by Twilight:

Breast cancer is currently the second leading cause of death in women, the first being lung cancer. Statistics show that 1 out of 8 women will develop breast cancer. While there is no way to prevent it, knowing the risk factors and using early detection using methods (such as monthly self-breast exams and yearly mammograms) have been shown help stop the spread of cancer if detected early enough. Each year over 200,000 thousand women are diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States and over 40,000 women and 470 men die from this disease.

For more information on how you can help us help those who cannot afford mammograms, click here.

Note: This campaign is especially close to my heart, which is why I'm passionate about being an integral part. My mom's breast cancer just matastasized into her pericardium (heart sac), 16 years after her first bout with breast cancer. I cannot stress the importance of mammograms. Get yours today, and help support this worthy cause!!


  1. I'm linking to you on this and I'm keeping your mom in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. Thanks so much, girl; I appreciate it! Have a great spring break!

  3. Ah the number one killer of women is heart disease not lung cancer......

  4. I am also fighting for A cure.Does anyone have anything twilight that they can donate for a gift basket to raise money for cancer? Please concact Patty att thanks
