Friday, March 13, 2009

New Moon Cast is Smokin'

I found this article that talks about all the smoking going on at the New Moon set, and I'm not talking smokin' hot:

The New York Post Pop Wrap says:

The only members of the clan that found alternate means of entertainment while waiting for cameras to reload or makeup to be perfected were Jackson Rathbone and Taylor Lautner.

Although, now that Taylor's back in that horrifying wig, he's probably considered too flammable to smoke.(Or he's just Holy Smokin' Rockets hot with those extra muscles!)

While they may not have packs of smokes rolled up in their sleeves on-screen, perhaps they should consider finding some better habits since they hold the hearts and allowances of every impressionable American tweenager in their slowly yellowing hands.

On one hand, I agree; not a good role model for tweenagers. On the other, Twilight Moms can use their nasty cancer stick behavior to teach our kids a good lesson. Plus, who are we to judge what they're doing on their own time (except smoking pot- that's illegal)? I just try not to look at the sicknast pictures and pretend they are all my pretty Cullen family. :)
Twilight cast by Cheeky Princess.

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